
What are the benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mom?

Introduction: A Natural Choice Packed with Benefits Hello there, new moms (or expecting moms)! Congratulations on this exciting change in your li.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

22 Jul, 2024

The Reasons For Repeated Miscarriages ?

  Repeated Miscarriages  Women are typically reluctant to discuss miscarriages or unplanned pregnancy losses. While one pregnancy.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

16 Apr, 2024

When Does the Postpartum Belly Go Away?

  Postpartum Belly It can be difficult to process the changes that occur prior to, during, and following pregnancy. Your body and life.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

15 Apr, 2024

Fatigue: Causes and Solutions

  Fatigue   Fatigue is defined as a state of continual fatigue, burnout, or a lack of energy. It could be physical, mental,.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

12 Apr, 2024

The 35 early signs of pregnancy

The hidden signs of pregnancy Tiredness, bloating, twinges/cramps, mood fluctuations, weight gain, low libido, anemia, and elevated blood press.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

11 Apr, 2024

Pregnancy After 35: Expert Guidance

  Advanced Maternal Age A pregnancy characterized by advanced maternal age occurs when the birthing individual is over the age of 35. P.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

10 Apr, 2024

Signs and symptoms of preterm labor

Preterm labor Preterm labor occurs when regular contractions cause the cervix to open after week 20 but before week 37 of pregnancy. Preterm labor.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

09 Apr, 2024

Uterine Fibroids: Causes, Symptoms, Solutions

  Uterine Fibroids Uterine fibroids are noncancerous uterine growths that typically occur during pregnancy and grow in and on the uteru.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

08 Apr, 2024

Pregnancy Symptoms: First 72 Hours

  Pregnancy Signs in 72 Hours If you're trying to conceive, you may be wondering how early the first pregnancy symptoms show. We co.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

04 Apr, 2024

Female fertility: Why way of life choices Count number

  Female fertility Are you looking to get pregnant? You might also ask if there's something you could do to enhance your chances of.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

02 Apr, 2024

Your Comprehensive Guide to Smoothly Navigating Menopause

Menopause In this blog we cover menopause and perimenopause we invited our best female gynaecologist in the UAE, Dr Elsa De Menezes to share her ex.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

01 Apr, 2024

3 Tips for Successfully Overcoming Female Infertility

  3 Tips for Successfully Overcoming Female Infertility Infertility is described as the inability to conceive after more than a year of.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

28 Mar, 2024

General practitioner services

General practitioner services A general practitioner (GP) is a doctor who also specializes in general medical practice. GPs are frequently the.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

20 Mar, 2024

Smoking During Pregnancy | Dr Elsa

  Pregnancy and smoking Smoking during pregnancy increases your and your unborn child's chance of significant health problems. Pass.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

20 Mar, 2024

What Is OB/GYN? The Difference Between Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

What Is OB/GYN? The Difference Between Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstetricians specialize on pregnancy and related health issues, whereas gy.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

19 Mar, 2024

All About Fibroids (Uterine Fibroids)

Fibroids (Uterine Fibroids) Fibroids may not require treatment if they are tiny and do not cause symptoms. Your outlook will be determined by the s.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

15 Mar, 2024

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) What is IVF? In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) in which sperm and eg.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

14 Mar, 2024

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone generated by the placenta during pregnancy. It thickens a person&#.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

14 Mar, 2024

Common Urological Disorders, Conditions & Treatment

Urological Disorders There are numerous Urological illnesses that men and women of various ages suffer from. Some are temporary, while others a.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

11 Mar, 2024

Low Libido (Low Sex Drive)

  Low Libido (Low Sex Drive) Low libido (low sex drive) refers to a decline in sexual desire. It is common and can be short- or long-te.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

26 Feb, 2024

Pregnancy nutrition: Foods to avoid during pregnancy

Foods to avoid during pregnancy You want the best for your baby. That's why you might add sliced fruit to your fortified breakfast cereal,.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

21 Feb, 2024

PMS, Cramps, and Irregular Periods (for Parents)

PMS, Cramps, and Irregular Periods (for Parents) It is not uncommon to see preteen and teen girls struggling with their periods and missing a f.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

19 Feb, 2024

Morning sickness

Morning sickness Morning sickness is a feeling of throwing up, often known as nausea, or vomiting, that happens during pregnancy. Despite its n.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

15 Feb, 2024

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) PMS symptoms include mood swings, sore breasts, food cravings, lethargy, irritability, and depression. It is estimated.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

14 Feb, 2024

Nutrition During Pregnancy: Eating for Two Safely and Healthily

Nutrition During Pregnancy: Eating for Two Safely and Healthily Pregnancy is a joyful and exciting time, but pregnant mothers must also know th.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

12 Feb, 2024

What is pre-ejaculatory fluid (also known as pre-cum), and can it cause pregnancy?

  pre-ejaculatory fluid  Not planning for pregnancy or you are worried about HIV and STIs? Then you must know about pre-ejaculator.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

09 Feb, 2024

What Is A Gynecologist? When To See One & What To Expect

  Gynecologist Gynecologists specialize in the female reproductive system. Gynecologists diagnose and treat a wide range of disorders a.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

08 Feb, 2024

Labor & Delivery: Signs & Progression

Labor & Delivery During the three stages of labor, your body will prepare for your baby's delivery (stage one), then deliver the baby (.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

02 Feb, 2024

Abdominal Pain Causes and Treatment

What is abdominal pain? Abdominal pain is defined as discomfort anywhere in the abdomen area, between the ribs and pelvis. Abdominal discomfort.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

01 Feb, 2024

C-Section (Cesarean Section): Procedure & Risks

What is a C-section? A C-section, also known as a cesarean section or cesarean birth, is a medical operation in which a baby is delivered throu.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

31 Jan, 2024

Anemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anemia Anemia develops when there are insufficient healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen to your body's organs. As a result, it is ty.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

30 Jan, 2024

High-Risk Pregnancy

  High-Risk Pregnancy   A high-risk pregnancy is one that poses significant health hazards to the pregnant woman, the fetus, or.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

29 Jan, 2024

Fetal Biometry: Importance, Measurements, and Test Accuracy

  Fetal Biometry Fetal biometry refers to the measurements your pregnancy care provider takes during an ultrasound to determine how.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

25 Jan, 2024

Prenatal Massage During Pregnancy: Benefits and Safety

  Prenatal Massage Anyone who has ever had a professional massage knows that the body and mind feel better afterwards — and the s.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

24 Jan, 2024

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  What is PCOS? Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that occurs during reproductive years. If you have PCOS, you.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

23 Jan, 2024

How to Increase Breast Size Naturally

Quick Tips to Get Bigger Breasts! Here's a cause to brighten up, ladies! Here, we've listed everything you could possibly want to know.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

19 Jan, 2024

Hemorrhoids - Symptoms and causes

Haemorrhoids Hemorrhoids, also pronounced "HEM-uh-roids," are enlarged veins located in the lower rectum and anus. Varicose veins and.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

18 Jan, 2024

Vitiligo: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What is vitiligo? Vitiligo (pronounced "vit-il-EYE-go") is a skin ailment in which the skin loses its color or pigment. This causes y.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

17 Jan, 2024

Blighted Ovum (Anembryonic Pregnancy) - Dr Elsa

Blighted Ovum /anembryonic pregnancy When a fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining but does not develop into an embryo, it is known as a bli.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

16 Jan, 2024

Preeclampsia - Symptoms & causes - Dr Elsa

Preeclampsia Most soon-to-be mothers would agree that pregnancy is a challenging time unless you are lucky enough to not feel much. Pregnancy bring.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

11 Jan, 2024

Mood Swings in Pregnancy Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

  Mood Swings During Pregnancy Women, generally, get mood swings due to swinging hormones.However, men could also experience them. Thes.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

09 Jan, 2024

What are some of the most common complications of pregnancy?

Common Complications of Pregnancy Although most pregnancies are uncomplicated, sometimes unplanned events occur. Some of the most common co.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

05 Jan, 2024

Pregnancy - signs and symptoms

Pregnancy - signs and symptoms During Pregnancy, Hormonal changes take place. Some women experience many symptoms of Pregnancy, but some experience.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

03 Jan, 2024

Heavy menstrual bleeding - Symptoms and causes

Heavy menstrual bleeding Heavy or protracted menstrual bleeding is experienced by certain women. Menorrhagia was the previous name for this ill.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

26 Dec, 2023

Perimenopause - Symptoms and causes

What is a Perimenopause  Perimenopause is known as menopausal transation Perimenopause means "around menopause" and refers.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

14 Dec, 2023

My Period Late But I’m Not Pregnant? 5 Possibilities

  My Period Late But I’m Not Pregnant? 5 Possibilities  When your period comes late than more than 90% women thinks that thi.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

13 Dec, 2023

Ectopic pregnancy - Symptoms & causes

Ectopic pregnancy - Symptoms & causes  Overview Fertilized eggs are the first step in pregnancy. The fertilized egg typically adheres t.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

08 Dec, 2023

Sex positions for getting pregnant

Sex positions for getting pregnant When you're trying to conceive and want to get pregnant as soon as possible, it's normal to wonder w.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

05 Dec, 2023

Sex positions During pregnancy : images

Relaxing Sex positions During pregnancy: images When you've got a bump, sex doesn't have to be dull! If you're having trouble getting i.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

05 Dec, 2023

Miscarriage Symptoms and Causes What Should Do After Miscarriage

Miscarriage Symptoms and Causes What Should Do After Miscarriage overview A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of p.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

01 Dec, 2023

Vaginal Discharge: Causes, Colors, What's Normal & Treatment

Vaginal Discharge: Causes, Colors, What's Normal & Treatment Vaginal discharge is a clear, white or off-white fluid that leaks from your ce.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

30 Nov, 2023

Hormonal Imbalance: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hormonal Imbalance: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Overview  Whether you agree or not, no one wants to be a slave to their hormones, but.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

29 Nov, 2023

How to Boost Immunity While Pregnant | Dr Elsa de Menezes

  Tips on How to Boost Immunity While Pregnant ? Morning sickness-check; body aches-check; constipation-check; difficulty sleeping-chec.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

29 Nov, 2023

Pregnancy at week 15

Pregnancy at week 15 Now Your baby is gaining weight quickly , and now their body is growing faster than their head. Baby weighs about 80g and meas.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

27 Nov, 2023

Pregnancy at week 14

  Pregnancy at week 14 Your baby By 14 weeks, your baby weighs about 45g and measures about 11cm long, or like the  size of a lemon.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

27 Nov, 2023

Pregnancy at week 13

Pregnancy at week 13 Your baby Your baby is now fully formed and looking like a human being. Your baby is around 7.5 cm long — about t.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

27 Nov, 2023

Second Trimester | Dr elsa

Second Trimester | Dr elsa What is the second trimester? Trimesters are a very usefull way to think about pregnancy. The changes that occur.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

27 Nov, 2023

Pregnancy Insomnia: Symptoms Causes & Treatment | Dr elsa

Pregnancy Insomnia:  Symptoms Causes & Treatment | Dr elsa Overview Sleep is very essential throughout pregnancy, yet many women find i.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

27 Nov, 2023

Placenta Previa: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Placenta Previa: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments Overview In most cases, when a woman is pregnant, they tend to forget that placenta, a myster.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

27 Nov, 2023

Nipple Discharge Causes And Treatment

Nipple Discharge Causes And Treatment Overview Nipple Discharge can be a Normal in womens or people assigned female at birth (AFAB) But it's.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

09 Nov, 2023

Intrauterine Insemination IUI Causes And Treatment

Intrauterine Insemination IUI Causes And Treatment Overview Family and sexual intimacy are often linked to having children. Sometimes, this does.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

08 Nov, 2023

Top 10 Obstetricians and Gynecologists OB/GYN in Dubai

Top 10 Obstetricians and Gynecologists OB/GYN in Dubai Overview When it comes to obstetrics and gynaecology care and treatment, Dubai is home to.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

08 Nov, 2023

10 Important Facts That You Should Know About IUI Treatment

10 Important Facts That You Should Know About IUI Treatment Family and sexual intimacy are often linked to having children. Sometimes, this doe.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

28 Sep, 2023

Unable to Conceive? Not getting pregnant? Know the Causes of Infertility

Unable to Conceive? Not getting pregnant? Know the Causes of Infertility If you've been trying to conceive but haven't been success.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

01 Sep, 2023

Top 10 Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Dubai

Top 10 Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Dubai When it comes to obstetrics and gynaecology care and treatment, Dubai is home to world-class healt.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

22 May, 2023

Molar Pregnancy - Symptoms , Causes and Treatment

Molar Pregnancy - Symptoms , Causes and Treatment Overview Molar pregnancy is also one of the complications during pregnancy. It is also.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

18 Apr, 2023

Understanding the Role of a Gynaecologist & Obstetrician - Meet Dr. Elsa Menezes, Your Expert Guide

Understanding the Role of a Gynaecologist & Obstetrician - Meet Dr. Elsa Menezes, Your Expert Guide If you are a woman, there is no denial.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

17 Feb, 2023

A Brief Biology Lesson With Dr. Elsa: What is Ovulation?

A Brief Biology Lesson With Dr. Elsa: What is Ovulation? Overview In a woman's life, every menstrual cycle has two different milestones: a p.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

02 Dec, 2022

Nutrient deficiency in PCOS women | Dr elsa

Nutrient deficiency in PCOS women | Dr elsa What is PCOS? PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a hormonal condition  that can affect wo.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

25 Nov, 2022

Postpartum Insomnia: An Unexpected Last Trimester Issue

Postpartum Insomnia: An Unexpected Last Trimester Issue For a new mom, the scenario of "I am wide awake but everyone is sleeping" does no.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

18 Nov, 2022

Weeks 1–12 of your pregnancy: an overview of what to expect?

Weeks 1–12 of your pregnancy: an overview of what to expect? When you find out you are pregnant, everything changes. You feel a rush of emoti.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

11 Nov, 2022

Breast Cancer: An Introduction to What It Is and How to Spot It Out

Breast Cancer: An Introduction to What It Is and How to Spot It Out Overview For a woman, it is natural to worry about her physical health,.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

14 Oct, 2022

Ask Dr. Elsa: Are Kegel Exercises Actually Good During Pregnancy? 

Ask Dr. Elsa: Are Kegel Exercises Actually Good During Pregnancy? Overview No matter whether you are looking for the best way to improve bow.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

07 Oct, 2022

Here’s What You Need to Know When You Can’t Pee During Pregnancy

Here’s What You Need to Know When You Can’t Pee During Pregnancy Urinary retension , also known as urinary retension. During.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

30 Sep, 2022

Infertility Treatment: All you need to know about IUI

Infertility Treatment: All you need to know about IUI For over a decade now, cases of infertility have become one of the major reproductive problem.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

23 Sep, 2022

What Does Each Color and Consistencies of Vaginal Discharge Mean?

What Does Each Color and Consistencies of Vaginal Discharge Mean? Whatever is coming out of your body acts as the best indicator of what is happeni.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

16 Sep, 2022

Find out what to anticipate if you experience a vaginal rip during childbirth 

vaginal rip during childbirth The event of childbirth in the life of women is one of the most beautiful experiences of personal feelings. Being con.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

09 Sep, 2022

Give your dietary profile a unique flair with these vitamins and minerals

 Essential vitamins and minerals for women  On the radar where improved wellness is a goal, even after eating a balanced diet and ex.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

27 Aug, 2022

What Is That Pink Discharge Down There Telling You?

What Is That Pink Discharge Down There Telling You? As normal or healthy discharge is clear or milky white in color, so noticing pink discharge or.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

19 Aug, 2022

Post-Pregnancy: Body Changes That No One Tells You About

Post-Pregnancy: Body Changes That No One Tells You About overview Do you remember the time when you found out that you were pregnant and realiz.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

13 Aug, 2022

An Explanation of Why Am I Spotting During Pregnancy?

An Explanation of Why Am I Spotting During Pregnancy? Overview The time of pregnancy is accompanied by many different feelings, pain, and change.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

05 Aug, 2022

Do You Know All the Important Aspects of Hysterectomy?

Do You Know All the Important Aspects of Hysterectomy? A hysterectomy is often recommended for women with problems with their uterus. It is an inva.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

30 Jul, 2022

How to Predict When Your Baby Will Drop and When You Will Induce Labor?

How to Predict When Your Baby Will Drop and When You Will Induce Labor? If you are pregnant or have been through it, there are chances that you mig.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

23 Jul, 2022

When pregnant, do you notice any changes in your breasts? Here's what you need to know

When pregnant, do you notice any changes in your breasts? Here's what you need to know A lot of things happen to a woman’s body while mak.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

15 Jul, 2022

Cryptic Pregnancy: i didn't know that i was pregnant until i went into labour

  Cryptic Pregnancy: i didn't know that i was pregnant until i went into labour What is a cryptic pregnancy? A cryptic pregnancy.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

09 Jul, 2022

A list of foods to eat and avoid to combat endometriosis

A list of foods to eat and avoid to combat endometriosis Overview Heavy menstrual bleeding followed by pain and nausea isn’t just.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

29 Jun, 2022

Reproductive care if you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia during pregnancy 

Reproductive care if you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia during pregnancy Pregnancy is a time full of hope and positivity, but can become exhaustin.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

25 Jun, 2022

Health symptoms that suggest you may have PCOS but aren't aware of it

Health symptoms that suggest you may have PCOS but aren't aware of it Have you missed your periods or have you lost track of the last day you h.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

17 Jun, 2022

Female Urinary Incontinence: All you need to know

Female Urinary Incontinence: All you need to know overview Let me ask: Have you ever been in a situation where you leaked a bit of urine, probab.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

11 Jun, 2022

Feeling trapped with the extra weight post-delivery? Here’s what to do

weight post delivery Even though pregnancy and childbirth are incredible times, including thousands of unsaid emotions that make you feel good abou.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

03 Jun, 2022

If your baby is in a breech position, here’s all you need to know

If your baby is in a breech position, here’s all you need to know During pregnancy, as your baby grows, have you ever felt the kicks.......

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Mrmmbs Vision

20 May, 2022