For over a decade now, cases of infertility have become one of the major reproductive problems affecting a number of couples who are willing to have a baby. Resulting from male, female, or a combination of factors that prevent from being pregnant infertility affects more than 6 percent of married women aged 35 or older. In conversation with Dr. Elsa, an Infertility Specialist in Dubai, she says that, fortunately now, due to the advancement of technology and other trends, there are several fertility treatments available that are safe and effective in nature.
The most prominent solution to infertility is a simple technique known as Intra-uterine insemination, or IUI, which is a type of artificial insemination. It is considered a low-cost and cost-effective alternative to IVF, another technique for treating fertility problems.
IUI, also termed as intrauterine insemination, is a simple procedure done to put sperm directly inside the uterus, which helps healthy sperm to get closer to your egg. The process is performed to make the fertilization of the eggs easier and quicker.
The procedure is selected by patients for several reasons related to the problems arising due to infertility. The common reasons why IUI is performed are:
Cervical mucus
Low sperm count
Sperm impairments
Semen allergy
Unexplained infertility
The procedure of intrauterine insemination is beneficial for the following cases:
Couples with an unconsummated marriage
Erectile dysfunction
Abnormal urethral opening
Cervical diseases
Congenital anomaly of the cervix
Mild endometriosis
Unexplained fertility, and others
The process of performing the procedure varies from a healthcare provider to the severity of the condition. Apart from this, the procedure includes the below-mentioned steps:
Stimulate egg growth: The very first step includes the development of one or two eggs via oral or injectable medication. The medicine inserted stimulates the growth of the eggs and can also be planned in the natural ovulatory cycle.
Follicular monitoring: The second step includes follicular scans performed by healthcare professionals. Under the scans, the dominant follicle is monitored at frequent intervals.
Ovulation induction: The third step of the procedure is performed when the follicle is ready. The injection for the rupture is given and the IUI is posted after 36 hours of the trigger.
Semen collection and washing: Once the rupture is done, the semen sample is collected and washed for injection.
Insemination: The last step of the insemination procedure includes the process of injecting the semen sample into the uterus of the woman via a thin, flexible, and long catheter.
Even though the process includes a few steps as stated below, it is advised to be in regular touch with the healthcare professional and report them as per the condition.
The success rate of IUI is directly linked to the underlying cause and the severity of infertility. Even though it is a widely chosen infertility treatment, it does have its own limitations. If you are someone with the same or are thinking about fertility treatment, feel free to call New Concept Clinic, a Pregnancy Care clinic in Dubai offering both gynecological and obstetric services.