Now Your baby is gaining weight quickly , and now their body is growing faster than their head. Baby weighs about 80g and measures about 12 cm from head to bottom – about the size of an orange.
The bones and ears are developing, That means they are starting to hear for the first time. Now they can hear the sound of your heartbeat, digestive system and voice. Their eyes are still fused or closed shut, but they can respond to the light.
They could suck their thumb, clutch with their fingers, squint, and grimace. Lanugo, or fine hair, is beginning to develop all over their body.
More blood is now moving around your body, which may be causing you to 'glow' during pregnancy. It can produce negative effects such as blood pressure fluctuations, bleeding gums or nose, and headaches etc.
The nausea of the first trimester should have subsided by now, but if you're still feeling unwell or vomiting, consult your doctor.
You will gain weight and your body may change. The skin surrounding your nipples may darken, and you may notice your hair and nails growing faster. You may feel a little achy and have tingling in your hands or feet, but this is typical.
Maternal serum screening, which begins at 15 weeks, may include a blood test and a thorough ultrasound. If you did not undergo the combined first trimester screening, this is frequently done. Maternal serum screening can inform you whether your kid is at risk of certain physical or intellectual disorders like Down syndrome, but it isn't perfect. While screening may indicate that roughly 5 out of every 100 babies are at elevated risk, the majority of these will not have any difficulties.
Amniocentesis can be performed as early as 15 weeks if necessary. Amniocentesis is a non-routine prenatal test designed to identify any problems or serious health issues affecting your baby.
If you are over the age of 35, have a family history of genetic disorders, or if screening tests earlier in your pregnancy revealed a problem, you may additionally need an amniocentesis. A definitive diagnosis will be provided by an amniocentesis.