Nipple Discharge Causes And Treatment

Nipple Discharge Causes And Treatment


Nipple Discharge can be a Normal in womens or people assigned female at birth (AFAB) But it's Not normal in men or person assigned male at birth (AMAB) Normal reasons for nipple discharge can include hormones, lactation, or sexual excitement. Tumours, infections, and infrequently breast cancer are examples of abnormal causes.

What is Nipple Discharge?

When fluid escapes from your nipple in one or both breasts, it's known as a "nipple discharge." It most commonly affects women in their late pregnancy and the first few weeks following childbirth who are assigned female at birth (AFAB). Multiple factors might lead to breast discharge. The majority of the time, AFAB individuals who experience nipple discharge even when they are not pregnant or nursing have common, benign causes. Nonetheless, nipple discharge could indicate a dangerous medical issue.

What kind of Nipple discharge is normal?

Nipple Discharge may be normal if :

  • It’s clear, brown,yellow, green or white.
  • When It comes from both breasts.
  • It occurs only when you squeeze your nipples.
  • Nipple discharge Abnormal  if:
  • When It’s bloody. Bloody discharge is almost alwaysAbnormal.
  • When It comes out of only one breast.
  • When its come out without any touching squeezing your nipples 
  • It shows symptoms like breast pain, redness, swelling or changes to your nipple.

 What is your Nipple Discharge color

White, clear, yellow and brown nipple discharge could be normal,but it could also be abnormal. If its Bloody or pink nipple discharge is usually a sign  of a problem.

The color of your Nipple Discharge depends on the cause. 

There are some Examples for nipple discharge 

1.  Yellow discharge indicates an infection

2. Greenish brown or black may suggest mammary duct ectasia.

Texture or consistency is also a factor for nipple discharge. Depending on the cause, nipple discharge can be thin, thick or tacky like glue.

 Possible Causes

What are the causes of Nipple Discharge?

Nipple discharge is rarely a sign of serious disease like breast cancer causes of nipple discharge includes : 

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Breastfeeding
  • Stress.
  • Breast Injury
  • Sexual arousal.
  • Nipple stimulation or friction from clothing.
  • Noncancerous cysts.

Dr Elsa de menezes, best gynaecologist in dubai consider nipple discharge abnormal when it occurs on its own and is bloody or only occurs in one breast.

Then it's  Abnormal Nipple Discharge include:

  • Papilloma (non cancerous breast tumor).
  • Breast infection or abscess.
  • Mammary duct ectasia.
  • Severe underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
  • Pituitary gland tumor.
  • Fibrocystic breast (normal lumpiness in the breast).
  • Cancerous breast tumor (in rare cases).
  • Paget’s disease of the breast.

If new born babies have nipple discharge then its normal discharge . This happens because their parents' hormones change during pregnancy . so it should go away on its own within a few days or weeks . women who breastfeed may also leak milk lke a fluid after breastfeeding It’s always best to check with a gynaecologist  so they can rule out any serious conditions causing nipple discharge.

What does breast cancer Nipple Discharge look like?

If your Nipple discharge is bloody then it may be a sign of breast cancer . If it is leaking from one breast only and some people who are suffering from breast cancer they feel a lump on their breast . 

Does stress cause nipple discharge?

Yes when you are stressed then may be it cause nipple discharge this is happen because of hormone prolactin , which is responsible for lactation 

Care and Treatment

How is Nipple Discharge Diagnosed?

Doctor will diagnose nipple discharge with a physical exam and discussion of your medical history  they do Test to identify the cause of the discharge include:

Imaging: Your doctor may prefer tests like a mammogram (breast X-ray), ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) . These tests help them find a cause.

Biopsy: If a physical exam or imaging tests show an abnormality,then your doctor  may take a sample of breast tissue for further testing.

Hormone blood test: Your doctor takes a blood sample to check thyroid and prolactin levels.

Ductogram: Your doctor injects a contrast dye into your milk ducts and then looks at your ducts with a mammogram.

How is Nipple Discharge Treated?

Treatment for nipple discharge depends on your cause. 

  • Changing or stopping a medication.
  • Removing a lump or cyst.
  • Taking out a milk duct.
  • Medications like antibiotics for breast infections.
  • Treating the condition causing the discharge.

When should I be concerned about Nipple Discharge?

Nipple Discharge is concerning when:

  • When your  discharge is bloody or pinky.
  • when It only comes from one nipple .
  • It comes out without touching  or squeezing it.
  • when You have a lump, breast pain. 

When should I tell the Doctor about Nipple Discharge?

Contact a Doctor if you are having Nipple Discharge from the last few weeks. 

  • when it comes  from one breast only not from both.
  • Happens without touching the breast.
  • when it's pink or bloody.
  • it Occurs in women or people AFAB over 40.
  • Is accompanied Due to lump, redness or breast pain.

A Short note from New Concept clinic 

Although breast discharge is usually not a reason for concern, it is a good idea to have it examined. A doctor can identify the cause of a patient's discharge by looking at symptoms such as the color, frequency, and source of the discharge—whether it originates from one or both breasts. A medical professional will assess your breasts and do any imaging tests that might be required. Although it's not usually an indication of breast cancer, it might be indicative of an underlying medical issue. The most common causes of nipple discharge in women or individuals with AFAB are hormones, a clogged milk duct, or a benign lump or tumor. In men or individuals with AMAB, breast discharge is nearly invariably abnormal.

Read More :- Breast Cancer: An Introduction to What It Is and How to Spot It Out

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