The 35 early signs of pregnancy

The hidden signs of pregnancy

Tiredness, bloating, twinges/cramps, mood fluctuations, weight gain, low libido, anemia, and elevated blood pressure are some of the hidden pregnancy symptoms.

1. Late period

Late menstruation is one of the earliest indications of pregnancy.

2. Positive pregnancy test

A positive pregnancy test is the most evident evidence that you are pregnant. Most pregnancy tests detect levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone.

3. Implantation bleeding

Some women will experience implantation bleeding approximately 7 days following ovulation. Although unusual, most women will not have implantation hemorrhage.

4. Tiredness

Tiredness is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and the most common.

5. Bloating

Bloating is actually a new layer of fat on the lower abdomen that helps to keep the uterus warm from the external cold, helping blood flow to the foetus.

7. Twinges and cramps

It is typical to have twinges and pains throughout early pregnancy. Even in the early stages of pregnancy, increased blood flow and the growth of the placenta and fetal sac allow objects within the uterus to move around, putting pressure on nearby portions of the body, generating twinges and sometimes discomfort.

6. Swollen ankles

Swollen ankles (oedema) are a result of inadequate circulation in the body. Keeping your legs lifted will aid in this.

8. Excessive vaginal discharge

Extra thick vaginal discharge is caused by pregnancy hormones forming a cervix plug. A block of thick mucus seals the uterus, preventing foreign microorganisms from entering and damaging the fetus

9. Increased sense of smell

An increased sense of smell is an animalistic trait that would have helped protect pregnant women in the wild thousands of years ago. It can still be used today to assist women avoid dangerous contaminants like smoking and chemicals.

10. Metallic taste in the mouth

Some women may notice a weird taste in their mouth, similar to a metallic flavor, which is natural.

11. Nausea (morning sickness)

Nausea (morning sickness) is a well-known pregnancy symptom, but not every woman will experience it. Feeling unwell can occur at any time of day or night, not only in the morning. It typically stops after 12 weeks of gestation, but many women continue to experience it after that point. Eating dry foods every two hours will assist to alleviate this symptom.

12. Weight gain

Women gain an average of 12kg during pregnancy. This is normal.

13. Skin colour changes

The linea nigra refers to the darker midline of the stomach below the belly button.

14. Gagging while brushing teeth

Some ladies may gag and dry heave while they wash their teeth. This can cause vomiting.

15. Increased basal body temperature

A woman's body temperature rises due to elevated progesterone levels and remains high throughout her pregnancy.

16. Vivid dreams

A lot of women have vivid dreams when pregnant. Some people may even have dreams about their babies.

17. Baby brain

Tiredness is the most common cause of brain babies. It can impair memory and cognitive function.

18. Thickened hair

A woman's hair thickens during pregnancy. Following labor, some women may have an increase in hair loss as many old hairs shed, which is caused in part by accelerated hair growth during pregnancy.

19. Tingling on stomach

Tingling on the stomach, popularly known as butterflies, occurs as a mother begins to feel her baby move inside her.

20. Itchiness on stomach

Itching on the tummy is commonly caused by the skin stretching as the baby grows

21. Feeling hot

Women will become warmer as their pregnancy progresses. Some people may feel overheated, particularly in warm weather or at night.

22. Thirsty

Women may feel thirstier as their body temperature rises, particularly in the afternoon and evening.

23. Dry mouth

Some women will suffer dry mouth during pregnancy due to an increase in body temperature and progesterone levels.

24. Bleeding gums

Some women may develop bleeding gums during pregnancy, a condition known as pregnancy gingivitis. Gum bleeding may be caused by plaque buildup on the teeth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy might make the gums more susceptible to plaque, causing inflammation and bleeding. It does not imply that you are deficient in calcium or have gum disease.

25. Nose bleeds

Because of the increased heat, some women may develop nosebleeds, which is typical

26. Constipation

Constipation is prevalent during pregnancy, affecting approximately 20% of women. It is frequently caused by the baby's constriction of the intestines, increased transit time, increased water absorption, decreased mass, and elevated progesterone and iron levels.

27. Burping

Most expectant mothers' digestive systems are frequently disrupted by pregnancy. Some people experience this as burping.

28. Increased appetite

An increased appetite is common because pregnant women must eat for two. A pregnant woman should consume 1,800 calories per day during the first trimester, increasing to 2,200 calories per day in the second trimester and 2,400 calories per day in the third trimester.

29. Food cravings

Food cravings are another common early warning sign of pregnancy. Most ladies will go through this. Many pregnant women begin by consuming healthful foods but soon develop cravings for different things.

30. Catching colds

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system is weakened, allowing the embryo to implant and the fetus to develop. This could indicate that pregnant women are more susceptible to colds.

31. Aversion to meat

Some pregnant women tend to avoid certain foods, such as meat, in favor of others.

32. Aversion to coffee

It is normal to not want to drink coffee during pregnancy, and it is best for the baby if the pregnant mother does not consume coffee.

33. Glowing

Increased blood levels, heat, and contentment all contribute to pregnant glow.

34. Emotional

Being emotional in early pregnancy is common, with some women crying over the smallest of things.

35. Spotting

Spotting little quantities of blood is normal and not indicative of a miscarriage. Changes in the uterus can dislodge pockets of blood (typically polyps or cysts), which rupture and cause bleeding. The bloody flow might be either crimson or dark red in hue. Pain may also occur as these blood pockets push against surrounding body parts. This is actually a positive thing because the pregnancy helps to cleanse and mend the uterus.

Not pregnant signs and symptoms

Some women will get confused as to what is a sign of pregnancy and was isn't.

1. Horny

Many women report feeling aroused toward the end of their menstrual cycle. For the majority of women, horniness does not indicate pregnancy. It is caused by changes in a woman's hormones as she approaches her menstruation.

2. Burping

Burping is typically not an early indicator of pregnancy. It could be a premenstrual symptom or a digestive issue.


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