An Explanation of Why Am I Spotting During Pregnancy?

An Explanation of Why Am I Spotting During Pregnancy?


The time of pregnancy is accompanied by many different feelings, pain, and changes that lead to many things happening around us and to our bodies. From back aches, and cravings to spotting and bleeding, there is so much to experience. As there are a lot of strange things happening down below for women who do not know about spotting and bleeding during pregnancy, it can be scary to experience it.

Noticing spotting or bleeding during pregnancy can feel nerve-wracking, but it is not always a sign that something is wrong. Spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is considered normal if the occurrence of the blood is light and in a few drops. In general, spotting is when you see a light trace of pink, red, or dark brown blood on your underwear. It is just your body’s normal adjustments to pregnancy and an increase in the blood flow in your body.

As per Dr. Elsa, a Women's Obstetrics & Gynaecology Specialist, spotting and bleeding happen to around 20% of women in their first three months of pregnancy. So, there is no need to stress. Instead, it is advised to meet an obstetrician and discuss all the symptoms and experiences you have had.

The most common causes of spotting

Spotting during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is referred to as normal rather than the spotting experienced nearer to the delivery date. As spotting is different, there are many reasons that explain why spotting happens during pregnancy.

1. Spotting in the first trimester

About 1 in 4 women experience spotting during the first trimester, but the condition is said to be normal. Spotting during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy can be an active cause of:

  • Implantation bleeding: Implantation is a sign that an embryo is lodging into the wall of the uterus, and the bleeding occurs 6 to 12 days following conception. The color of implantation bleeding is usually light pink to dark brown and is also different from the menstrual period, so keep a check.

  • Ectopic pregnancy: A condition that occurs when the fertilized egg is attached outside the uterus and leads to light or heavy blood spotting. Women who are spotted during an ectopic pregnancy suffer other symptoms like pelvic pain, weakness, rectal pressure, and others.

  • Miscarriage: Early Pregnancy Complications or miscarriages occur in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, resulting in either brown or bright red bleeding. Apart from this, there are several other symptoms that a woman experiences, like weight loss, back pain, cramping, clots, and others.
  • Molar pregnancy :- This is happen when a mass of tissue forms inside the womb, instead of a baby. But Molar pregnancy is rare.

2. Spotting in the second trimester

In general, pregnancy spotting in the second trimester is sometimes considered normal unless and until you experience vaginal bleeding, just like menstrual periods. If this is the case, it is a sign of a medical emergency and it is advised to meet the doctor as soon as possible.

  • Irritation to the cervix: An irritation generally caused after sex or a cervical exam is considered a common cause of concern.
  • A cervical polyp: Considered as small, elongated tumors growing on the cervix, a narrow canal at the bottom of the uterus extending into the vagina, a cervical polyp is another possible cause of spotting and bleeding in the second trimester.

3. Spotting in the third trimester

Spotting during late pregnancy or in the third trimester is caused by sex or having a cervical exam. It can also be a reason due to a bloody show or a sign that labor is starting.

  • Placental abruption: Implanted in the upper part of the uterus, the placenta is an organ providing nutrients to the baby while a woman is pregnant. Bleeding is caused when the placenta is detached way too early.
  • Vasa Previa: An extremely rare but severe complication of pregnancy in which some fetal umbilical cord blood vessels run across or close to the internal opening of the cervix.
  • placenta Previa :- This occurs when the placenta completely or partially covers the cervix while lying very low in the uterus.

Different Types of Blood During Spotting in Pregnancy

When you are experiencing spotting or bleeding during pregnancy, pay more attention to the blood that comes. During spotting, blood comes in three colors: bright red, pale pink, and brown, and the reasons for those are different.

1.Reasons for bright red blood spots

  • Vaginal bleeding caused by cuts
  • Implantation
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Chemical pregnancy
  • History of miscarriage

2. Reasons for pale pink blood spotting

  • Bleeding from a cervical polyp.
  • Cervical minor injury
  • Implantation

3. Reasons for brown blood spotting

  • Old Blood
  • Previous clotted blood
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Healed cervical injury

Some factors may produce some spotting in the days after, even without cervical polyp:

  • Sexual Relation
  • Gynaecological Test, such as a vaginal ultrasound
  • Heavy lifting or excessive exercise

What’s the difference between bleeding and spotting?

Bleeding or spotting can happen Anytime between the time you get pregnant and the moment you give birth, you may experience bleeding or spotting.  Spotting is light bleeding. It occurs when there are some drops of blood on your underpants. The amount of spotting is so thin that it wouldn't cover a panty liner. When your feel heavy bleeding in that case you must use a pad or panty liner to prevent the blood from getting on your garments and underwear.

When to worry and call a doctor?

During pregnancy, there are several factors that can result in spots that can be scary, but not all the time it is something serious. In the majority of cases, spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is a normal concern and also means that your baby is healthy.

If you are noticing spotting or vaginal bleeding similar to your menstrual cycle, it is now time to notify your doctor and share all the details. Contact your healthcare provider or contact New Concept Clinic, a Gynecology Hospital in Dubai, to fix an appointment with Dr. Elsa.

If you want to avoid spotting during pregnancy and want healthy pregnancy then you should do these things or Your gynaecologist suggest you :-  


  • Limit your physical activity
  • Elevate your feet when possible
  • Avoid lifting items over 10 pound
  • Bed rest
  •  More time off your feet
  • Staying well hydrated

Pictures of spotting during pregnancy

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